Pittsburgh Pinball League
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Pittsburgh Pinball League

Active from 01/09/2014 through 07/13/2023.

Played 26 seasons, 177 meets, 531 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
24 (Dojo) 49,822,320 79,698,940 7,271,530 9
24 (Pinball Factory) 66,473,590 116,853,030 4,992,130 12
4 Square (Dojo) 4,750 4,754 4,754 1
4 Square (The Blue Room) 4,620 4,616 4,616 1
AC/DC (Dojo) 297,869,470 gold medal 665,201,960 83,944,580 3
AC/DC (Kickback) 122,502,020 122,502,020 122,502,020 1
AC/DC LE (Scaletta's) 160,940,190 gold medal 160,940,190 160,940,190 1
AC/DC Premium (PAPA) 25,037,740 25,037,740 25,037,740 1
ACDC Premium (Pinball Factory) 39,545,950 49,315,990 29,775,900 2
Aquarius (Dojo) 4,500 4,502 4,502 1
Argosy (Dojo) 315,560 315,560 315,560 1
Attack from Mars (Disco Dungeon) 15,310,769,780 gold medal 18,402,901,090 12,218,638,460 2
Attack From Mars (Dojo) 16,015,091,320 gold medal 52,316,798,990 1,141,827,360 5
Attack From Mars (NGVL) 1,270,073,170 1,270,073,170 1,270,073,170 1
Attack From Mars (Pinball Factory) 2,735,444,300 2,982,769,100 2,488,119,500 2
Avatar (Pinball Factory) 37,440,120 37,440,120 37,440,120 1
Avengers (Dojo) 149,132,180 164,668,450 133,595,910 2
Avengers (Kickback) 193,305,460 193,305,460 193,305,460 1
Avengers (Pinball Factory) 37,879,920 gold medal 37,879,920 37,879,920 1
Aztec (Dojo) 752,220 gold medal 752,220 752,220 1
Banzai Run (Kickback) 986,330 1,046,270 926,390 2
Barracora (Pinball Factory) 753,620 1,151,680 474,230 4
Barracora (The Blue Room) 7,082,870 gold medal 7,082,870 7,082,870 1
Batman 66 (Kickback) 752,635,090 752,635,090 752,635,090 1
Batman: Dark Knight (Bradish) 58,130,710 62,000,000 54,261,410 2
Batman: Dark Knight (Kickback) 140,422,030 gold medal 140,422,030 140,422,030 1
Batman: Dark Knight (Pinball Factory) 9,553,080 9,553,080 9,553,080 1
Big Buck Hunter (Pinball Factory) 28,749,780 28,749,780 28,749,780 1
Big Game (Kickback) 101,640 101,640 101,640 1
Big Game (Pinball Factory) 341,160 637,050 130,330 3
Black Hole (Bradish) 40,230 40,230 40,230 1
Black Jack (Dojo) 168,830 gold medal 501,620 27,170 4
Black Jack (Pinball Factory) 68,820 138,360 9,640 4
Black Knight SOR (Dojo) 12,588,400 12,588,400 12,588,400 1
Black Pyramid (Dojo) 1,204,540 2,214,970 168,250 6
Blackout (Disco Dungeon) 523,900 523,900 523,900 1
Bobby Orr Power Play (Dojo) 314,510 gold medal 546,110 108,740 4
Breakshot (Pinball Factory) 7,631,920 7,631,920 7,631,920 1
Bride of Pinbot (Kickback) 3,186,970 3,645,470 2,728,460 2
Bride of Pinbot (PAPA) 1,191,010 1,191,010 1,191,010 1
Champion Pub (Bradish) 85,600,550 121,851,190 49,349,900 2
Championship Pub (Kickback) 223,841,530 223,841,530 223,841,530 1
Cirqus Voltaire (PAPA) 40,488,110 gold medal 40,488,110 40,488,110 1
Cirqus Voltaire (Pinball Factory) 29,060,840 gold medal 29,060,840 29,060,840 1
Class of 1812 (Dojo) 19,988,910 gold medal 47,825,100 6,487,300 5
Class of 1812 (PAPA) 15,200,000 gold medal 15,200,000 15,200,000 1
Congo (Dojo) 1,004,701,960 2,273,946,450 401,234,380 9
Congo (Pinball Factory) 881,393,820 1,352,587,810 448,470,140 6
Corvette (Kickback) 1,126,854,070 1,918,262,040 335,446,100 2
Corvette (NGVL) 1,287,779,760 1,287,779,760 1,287,779,760 1
Cosmic Gunfight (NGVL) 1,237,880 1,237,880 1,237,880 1
Creature From the Black Lagoon (Pinball Factory) 167,645,080 167,645,080 167,645,080 1
CSI (PAPA) 8,609,700 8,609,700 8,609,700 1
CSI (Scaletta's) 42,446,560 gold medal 42,446,560 42,446,560 1
Deadpool (Dojo) 121,887,860 121,887,860 121,887,860 1
Demolition Man (Kickback) 2,510,559,970 gold medal 3,249,723,810 1,771,396,120 2
Demolition Man (Pinball Factory) 1,515,238,210 gold medal 4,100,889,400 222,211,970 3
Demolition Man (Sock Hop) 641,492,230 641,492,230 641,492,230 1
Dialed In (Dojo) 690,820 1,188,970 146,770 8
Dialed In (Kickback) 218,020 398,570 37,460 2
Diner (Pinball Factory) 16,492,030 gold medal 16,492,030 16,492,030 1
Dipsy Doodle (Pinball Factory) 20,250 20,250 20,250 1
Dirty Harry (NGVL) 717,643,180 gold medal 1,058,752,470 371,183,130 4
Doctor Who (Bradish) 95,762,680 95,762,680 95,762,680 1
Doctor Who (Victory Pointe) 795,721,490 795,721,490 795,721,490 1
Doodlebug (Pinball Factory) 36,800 40,650 30,430 3
Drop a Card (Dojo) 1,490 1,490 1,490 1
Eight Ball Deluxe (Dojo) 835,740 835,740 835,740 1
Embryon (Dojo) 1,044,350 gold medal 2,918,710 10,510 5
Embryon (NGVL) 345,760 610,490 200,101 4
Escape From the Lost World (Pinball Factory) 856,210 856,210 856,210 1
Evel Knievel (NGVL) 149,800 182,550 117,050 2
Evel Knievel (Pinball Factory) 98,610 98,610 98,610 1
F-14 Tomcat (Dojo) 1,748,060 1,748,060 1,748,060 1
Family Guy (Buck) 63,414,190 63,414,190 63,414,190 1
Far Out (Pinball Factory) 91,600 130,340 52,850 2
Fathom (Dojo) 674,910 1,016,290 333,520 2
Fathom (Pinball Factory) 439,380 640,330 238,420 2
Fire! (Pinball Factory) 692,050 692,050 692,050 1
Fireball Classic (Bradish) 933,240 933,240 933,240 1
Firepower (Dojo) 340,990 gold medal 842,980 88,650 3
Firepower (Pinball Factory) 340,320 340,320 340,320 1
Fish Tales (Kickback) 96,740,380 96,740,380 96,740,380 1
Fish Tales (Pin Pit) 35,818,140 gold medal 35,818,140 35,818,140 1
Fish Tales (Tokens) 243,454,690 gold medal 243,454,690 243,454,690 1
Flash Gordon (Pinball Factory) 334,420 353,900 314,940 2
Flight 2000 (Dojo) 1,040,810 1,246,510 835,100 2
Flip Flop (Dojo) 83,860 83,860 83,860 1
Frontier (Kickback) 248,820 343,020 127,790 4
Funhouse (Pinball Factory) 26,894,170 26,894,170 26,894,170 1
Future Spa (Pinball Factory) 56,790 60,070 53,510 2
Galaxy (Bradish) 131,550 135,040 128,060 2
Galaxy (Kickback) 154,590 154,590 154,590 1
Game of Thrones (Kickback) 435,576,490 435,576,490 435,576,490 1
Genie (Bradish) 142,530 142,530 142,530 1
Genie (Dojo) 342,770 gold medal 530,010 227,500 3
Ghostbusters (Dojo) 1,503,681,050 3,309,537,170 267,452,630 5
Ghostbusters (Kickback) 145,288,230 145,288,230 145,288,230 1
Ghostbusters (NGVL) 1,214,261,700 gold medal 1,876,214,000 552,309,400 2
Ghostbusters (Sock Hop) 53,920,060 53,920,060 53,920,060 1
Godzilla - Stern (Kickback) 187,406,860 357,309,740 81,812,740 3
Goldeneye (PAPA) 821,915,900 821,915,900 821,915,900 1
Goldeneye (Sock Hop) 672,230,080 672,230,080 672,230,080 1
Gorgar (Dojo) 397,060 gold medal 662,540 69,580 5
Gorgar (Pinball Factory) 101,710 123,820 79,600 2
Hard Body (Beaver Brewing) 1,353,760 1,353,760 1,353,760 1
Harlem Globetrotters (Dojo) 274,330 478,490 67,110 3
Haunted House (Bradish) 366,430 366,430 366,430 1
High Speed (Pball Perfection) 1,280,000 1,280,000 1,280,000 1
Hollywood Heat (Dojo) 1,434,940 1,945,120 961,660 3
Hot Tip (Dojo) 555,700 1,126,310 80,720 3
Hot Tip (Pinball Factory) 44,940 82,010 25,620 3
Indiana Jones (Bradish) 581,000,000 gold medal 581,000,000 581,000,000 1
Indiana Jones (Kickback) 131,402,840 131,402,840 131,402,840 1
Indiana Jones (Stern) (PAPA) 88,217,100 88,217,100 88,217,100 1
Indiana Jones (Williams) (Pinball Factory) 404,793,110 404,793,110 404,793,110 1
Indy 500 (Pinball Factory) 1,075,506,620 1,406,673,490 575,779,470 3
Iron Maiden (Dojo) 199,185,390 223,371,680 174,999,090 2
Iron Maiden (Sock Hop) 79,101,090 79,101,090 79,101,090 1
Iron Man (Kickback) 35,897,960 35,897,960 35,897,960 1
Iron Man (Lava) 72,424,610 gold medal 72,424,610 72,424,610 1
Iron Man (Pinball Factory) 10,149,460 10,997,040 9,301,870 2
Jack in the Box (Disco Dungeon) 23,700 23,700 23,700 1
Jack-Bot (Dojo) 3,091,793,620 6,347,838,170 903,443,900 3
Jackbot (Pinball Factory) 3,602,625,760 3,602,625,760 3,602,625,760 1
Johnny Mnemonic (Bradish) 3,566,374,140 3,566,374,140 3,566,374,140 1
Johnny Mnemonic (Kickback) 582,671,870 582,671,870 582,671,870 1
KISS LE (Stern) (Kickback) 38,828,300 38,828,300 38,828,300 1
Knock Out (NGVL) 53,650 53,650 53,650 1
Knockout (Dojo) 108,180 157,160 40,940 9
Knockout (Pinball Factory) 30,490 33,800 27,170 2
Lord of the Rings (Bradish) 44,204,180 44,204,180 44,204,180 1
Lord of the Rings (Buck) 79,291,030 79,291,030 79,291,030 1
Lord of the Rings (Disco Dungeon) 55,721,110 55,721,110 55,721,110 1
Mandalorian (Kickback) 128,672,300 128,672,300 128,672,300 1
Medieval Madness (PAPA) 508,920 508,920 508,920 1
Medieval Madness (Pinball Factory) 13,263,390 13,263,390 13,263,390 1
Medusa (Dojo) 436,350 436,350 436,350 1
Metallica (Dojo) 102,110,240 gold medal 202,152,920 29,792,610 8
Metallica (NGVL) 78,028,550 gold medal 155,800,500 256,590 2
Metallica (Pinball Factory) 83,896,870 215,331,760 4,568,610 8
Meteor (Dojo) 682,750 967,000 481,140 3
Meteor (NGVL) 161,860 161,860 161,860 1
Monster Bash (Bradish) 119,558,650 119,558,650 119,558,650 1
Monster Bash (Kickback) 36,603,930 36,603,930 36,603,930 1
Mr. & Mrs. pacman (Pin Pit) 114,570 114,570 114,570 1
Mustang (Pinball Factory) 167,028,470 253,441,780 80,615,150 2
Mustang Pro (Bradish) 31,000,000 31,000,000 31,000,000 1
NBA Fastbreak (2/Steps) (Kickback) 137 gold medal 137 137 1
NBA Fastbreak (Kickback) 100 143 43 3
Nitro Ground Shaker (Kickback) 18,280 18,280 18,280 1
No Good Gophers (PAPA) 35,403,340 gold medal 35,403,340 35,403,340 1
No Good Gophers (Pinball Factory) 37,233,620 gold medal 63,443,690 9,253,110 3
Paragon (Bradish) 61,900 104,260 31,600 3
Paragon (Dojo) 90,010 184,620 8,500 5
Paragon (Mastic Trail) 57,110 57,110 57,110 1
Paragon (Pinball Factory) 8,600 8,600 8,600 1
Paragon (Sock Hop) 81,810 81,810 81,810 1
Pinball (Stern 1977) (Disco Dungeon) 107,950 107,950 107,950 1
Pirates of the Caribbean (Stern) (Mastic Trail) 11,491,930 11,491,930 11,491,930 1
Pirates of the Carribean (Kopy's) 9,114,610 9,114,610 9,114,610 1
PiratesOTC (Kickback) 99,167,440 99,167,440 99,167,440 1
Radical (Bradish) 5,454,230 5,454,230 5,454,230 1
Radical (Phoenix) 12,635,700 gold medal 12,635,700 12,635,700 1
Radical (Pinball Factory) 2,066,050 2,066,050 2,066,050 1
Radical (Sock Hop) 2,800,130 2,800,130 2,800,130 1
Red and Ted's Road Show (Pinball Factory) 1,388,181,430 gold medal 2,042,289,810 734,073,050 2
Road Show (Kickback) 1,122,978,970 gold medal 2,392,096,130 402,661,650 4
Roller Games (Beaver Brewing) 8,150,710 8,150,710 8,150,710 1
Rush (Dojo) 314,331,320 314,331,320 314,331,320 1
Scared Stiff (Kickback) 8,768,270 8,768,270 8,768,270 1
Seawitch (Pinball Factory) 1,061,950 1,080,880 1,043,010 2
Silverball Mania (Pinball Factory) 94,870 171,080 46,800 3
Simpsons Party (Kickback) 7,823,880 11,276,410 4,371,350 2
Sinbad (Phoenix) 233,110 233,110 233,110 1
Sorcerer (Dojo) 1,155,440 1,749,950 678,500 4
Space Mission (Kickback) 61,010 71,160 50,850 2
Space Shuttle (Kickback) 934,710 1,142,110 727,300 2
Space Shuttle (Pinball Factory) 481,920 481,920 481,920 1
Space Time (Dojo) 25,140 32,440 17,840 2
Spider-Man (Dojo) 166,425,360 344,570,450 16,334,600 7
Spider-Man (Kickback) 14,998,420 14,998,420 14,998,420 1
Star Pool (Dojo) 65,010 84,970 45,050 2
Star Pool (Kickback) 44,840 44,840 44,840 1
Star Pool (PAPA) 55,700 55,700 55,700 1
Star Pool (Pinball Factory) 84,830 132,170 55,720 8
Star Trek (2013) (Dojo) 100,720,980 138,442,370 62,999,590 2
Star Trek (Stern) (Bradish) 92,604,870 gold medal 216,331,130 13,777,590 4
Star Trek (Stern) (Pinball Factory) 82,150,260 159,362,040 5,064,010 5
Star Trek Pro (Stern) (PAPA) 26,862,180 26,862,180 26,862,180 1
Star Trek The Next Generation (Kopy's) 952,267,000 gold medal 1,250,881,400 653,652,590 2
Star Trek: The Next Generation (Hambones) 683,518,290 gold medal 813,666,590 614,247,210 3
Star Trek: The Next Generation (Pinball Factory) 1,470,415,130 1,470,415,130 1,470,415,130 1
Star Wars Episode One (Phoenix) 230,082,910 gold medal 230,082,910 230,082,910 1
Stars (Dojo) 66,260 106,050 10,500 4
Stellar Wars (Pinball Factory) 157,390 235,390 71,070 4
Stranger Things (Kickback) 349,424,380 349,424,380 349,424,380 1
Super Orbit (Disco Dungeon) 1,333,340 gold medal 1,594,590 1,072,080 2
Super Orbit (Dojo) 921,020 1,264,020 572,860 3
Tag Team (Pin Pit) 328,970 328,970 328,970 1
Tales From the Crypt (Tokens) 155,745,300 155,745,300 155,745,300 1
Tales of the Arabian Nights (Dojo) 14,162,800 31,729,170 1,226,410 3
Tales of the Arabian Nights (Pinball Factory) 30,178,740 gold medal 43,927,490 16,429,980 2
Tales of the Arabian Nights (The Blue Room) 13,967,590 13,967,590 13,967,590 1
Taxi (Pinball Factory) 2,584,300 4,882,880 1,029,280 6
Teenage Mutant Ninja (Kickback) 8,077,510 8,077,510 8,077,510 1
The Addams Family (Dojo) 56,877,370 98,562,570 16,857,430 6
The Addams Family (Kickback) 36,880,670 36,880,670 36,880,670 1
The Addams Family (Pinball Factory) 83,904,040 153,868,430 13,939,640 2
The Addams Family (The Blue Room) 11,050,570 11,050,570 11,050,570 1
The Getaway: High Speed II (PAPA) 31,718,420 31,718,420 31,718,420 1
The Getaway: High Speed II (Pinball Factory) 154,406,830 154,406,830 154,406,830 1
The Shadow (Buck) 1,255,932,900 gold medal 2,708,546,950 133,221,320 7
The Shadow (Pinball Factory) 109,921,270 176,722,090 43,120,440 2
The Walking Dead (Dojo) 311,294,860 gold medal 1,020,272,970 11,075,980 4
The Walking Dead LE (Victory Pointe) 13,550,200 13,550,200 13,550,200 1
The X Files (Beaver Brewing) 6,325,260 6,325,260 6,325,260 1
Tommy (Kickback) 247,487,160 247,487,160 247,487,160 1
Tommy (Sock Hop) 793,254,110 gold medal 793,254,110 793,254,110 1
Tommy (Tokens) 84,773,540 84,773,540 84,773,540 1
Torpedo Alley (Pinball Factory) 1,310,100 1,310,100 1,310,100 1
Transformers (Victory Pointe) 43,728,370 43,728,370 43,728,370 1
Transformers LE (NGVL) 7,978,550 7,978,550 7,978,550 1
Transformers LE (Pinball Factory) 38,276,800 62,148,180 7,489,330 3
Transporter: The Rescue (Pinball Factory) 4,932,190 5,956,910 3,907,460 2
TRON (Pinball Factory) 47,409,760 47,576,060 47,243,460 2
Tron Pro (NGVL) 15,322,670 15,322,670 15,322,670 1
Twilight Zone (Bradish) 495,027,000 512,419,430 477,634,570 2
Twilight Zone (Dojo) 235,906,210 388,527,950 11,025,000 4
Twilight Zone (Kickback) 220,493,540 220,493,540 220,493,540 1
Twilight Zone (The Blue Room) 101,684,250 101,684,250 101,684,250 1
TX Sector (Pinball Factory) 1,872,090 3,758,570 717,300 5
Viking (Kickback) 429,130 429,130 429,130 1
Volley (Dojo) 88,610 gold medal 117,490 59,720 2
Voltan (Scaletta's) 69,710 69,710 69,710 1
Walking Dead (NGVL) 177,373,420 282,805,400 71,941,440 2
White Water (Bradish) 1,341,404,320 gold medal 2,176,791,620 506,017,020 2
White Water (Dojo) 106,366,800 233,691,980 13,040,660 3
White Water (Kickback) 417,323,100 417,323,100 417,323,100 1
White Water (Pinball Factory) 121,214,300 128,717,380 113,711,220 2
WHO dunnit (Pinball Factory) 94,007,200 94,007,200 94,007,200 1
Wizard (Dojo) 94,000 120,210 67,740 5
Wizard of Oz (Dojo) 47,930 47,925 47,925 1
Wizard of Oz (Hambones) 438,200 gold medal 438,196 438,196 1
Wizard of Oz (The Blue Room) 966,380 gold medal 966,380 966,380 1
World Cup Soccer (Disco Dungeon) 768,056,230 gold medal 768,056,230 768,056,230 1
World Cup Soccer (Dojo) 672,524,010 gold medal 1,784,089,840 133,324,100 9
World Cup Soccer 94 (PAPA) 345,253,020 345,253,020 345,253,020 1
World Cup Soccer 94 (Pinball Factory) 563,493,540 773,529,060 341,711,950 3
Wrestlemania LE (Pinball Factory) 39,805,230 58,025,060 21,585,400 2
X's & O's (Pinball Factory) 2,713,230 gold medal 2,713,230 2,713,230 1
X-men (NGVL) 18,819,570 18,819,570 18,819,570 1
Xenon (Dojo) 99,190 115,490 82,880 2

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Aaron Crittenden5183.33%
Aaron Metz2166.67%
Aaron Nixon10100.00%
Abi Huchko1233.33%
Adam Lemankiewicz7277.78%
Adam Pecharka60100.00%
Adam Scruci4266.67%
Aiton Goldman9660.00%
AJ Replogle26486.67%
Al Thomka4544.44%
Alan Rompala1233.33%
Albert Kaczmarczyk2166.67%
Aleksander Kaczmarczyk4266.67%
Alex Clark60100.00%
Alex Fruzynski13286.67%
Alexander King2166.67%
Allison Thrower5183.33%
Allyson Knights30100.00%
Amanda Sgroi2166.67%
Andy Grubb30100.00%
Anthony Budris2166.67%
Augustin Pionati30100.00%
Barry Applbaum2166.67%
Beck Gallagher2166.67%
Ben Kelly30100.00%
Bill Agnew60100.00%
Blair Love1233.33%
Bob Crittenden30100.00%
Bob Hanlon9375.00%
Bob Russell30100.00%
Bob Steele5455.56%
Brad Oskowski5183.33%
Brandon Dye9375.00%
Brandon Schwab8188.89%
Brandy Henry2166.67%
Brennan Ehrman5183.33%
Brent Baade30100.00%
Brett Berkman7277.78%
Brian Bower4266.67%
Brian Dye30100.00%
Brian Flizanes30100.00%
Brian Smyth8188.89%
Brian Teyssier3350.00%
Brian Uplinger20774.07%
Caden Steiner2166.67%
Casey Cunniff30100.00%
Cassie Mader30100.00%
Cathy Alioto13286.67%
Catrina Enders90100.00%
Celia Bartlow30100.00%
Chad Warren30100.00%
Chris Deely30100.00%
Chris Henry5183.33%
Christian Dupain30100.00%
Christie Highwart2166.67%
Cindy Niespodzianski2166.67%
Colin Dundes60100.00%
Colleen Cochran30100.00%
Cryss Stephens2433.33%
Dan Carretta5183.33%
Dan Handyside5183.33%
Dan Mitchell60100.00%
Dan W. Hall2166.67%
Dan Woodske5741.67%
Daniel Jacobowitz30100.00%
Daniel VanPoolen2166.67%
Darren Dauberger60100.00%
Dave DeNardo2166.67%
Dave Forman5455.56%
Dave Lancaster7558.33%
Dave Mitchell30100.00%
David Riel81044.44%
Derek Anderson13286.67%
Derek Eversmann2166.67%
Devin Carroll30100.00%
Dinah DeVault30100.00%
Don Foglia30100.00%
Doug Artimez1233.33%
Doug Polka30100.00%
Ed Skeva30100.00%
Eddie Smith30100.00%
Edward Rice60100.00%
Elise Fanto30100.00%
Emily Farah30100.00%
Eric Brown30100.00%
Erik Gatz30100.00%
Erin Kelly16288.89%
Evan Bookbinder8753.33%
Evan Callahan30100.00%
Frank Claycomb30100.00%
Fred Cochran101147.62%
Genyne Steiner30100.00%
Geordie Smith30100.00%
Greg DeFeo6366.67%
Greg Galanter9375.00%
Harold Lessure14477.78%
Ian Martin2166.67%
Ian Wallace2166.67%
Jacob Swope5183.33%
Jake Kirk1233.33%
Jake Kolojejchick14766.67%
Jake Webb30100.00%
James Emanuel10283.33%
James Kunz1150.00%
James VanPoolen2166.67%
Jamie Kowinsky30100.00%
Jared Chambers5183.33%
Jared Schmidt4450.00%
Jason Bokor11761.11%
Jason Kearney90100.00%
Jason Potter4266.67%
Jason Rihn30100.00%
Jason Steele2166.67%
JD (Josh) Dixon30100.00%
Jeanette Alioto90100.00%
Jeff Audia2166.67%
Jeff Kertis SR2166.67%
Jeff Linder30100.00%
Jeff Neiport2166.67%
Jeffro Coffey1233.33%
Jeremy Ways30100.00%
Jerry Smith8188.89%
Jocelyn Avila30100.00%
Joe Lazar30100.00%
Joe Scaletta9660.00%
Joe White30100.00%
John Alioto16576.19%
John Bucciere30100.00%
John Colonello60100.00%
John Niespodzianski30100.00%
Jon Poli2166.67%
Jordan Bartlow30100.00%
Jordan Horwich1233.33%
Joshua Burfield1233.33%
Jukka Akkanen30100.00%
Justin Niespodzianski4266.67%
Justin T Kelly5183.33%
Kate Hepner30100.00%
Keith Rhodes12380.00%
Kevin Brown12380.00%
Kevin Keegan2166.67%
Kevin Vitale21872.41%
Kim Lauver2166.67%
Kyle Williams30100.00%
Larry Teyssier14193.33%
Larry West10283.33%
Lee Klevens20483.33%
Leslie Wiegand30100.00%
Lewis Bevans9375.00%
Lindsey West20483.33%
Link Pietrusza21387.50%
Linus Pietrusza50100.00%
Logan Sauers2166.67%
Lucas Herter7277.78%
Lyle Applbaum60100.00%
Mahesh Murthy7558.33%
Mara Kline2166.67%
Marco Leal11191.67%
Marisa Bailey1233.33%
Mark Konopasek6366.67%
Mark McCorkle2166.67%
Mark Wolfe30100.00%
Matt Magnone2166.67%
Matt Schwab9660.00%
Matthew Clark60100.00%
Max Applbaum30100.00%
Max Cameron30100.00%
Max Shanks2166.67%
Melinda Pietrusza30100.00%
Mica Kline30100.00%
Michael Duffy2166.67%
Michael Sakowitz15383.33%
Mike Hamberg30100.00%
Mike Karbowsky7277.78%
Mike Myzak30100.00%
Mike Uplinger30100.00%
Mike Yarnot60100.00%
Mish Paull4266.67%
Nicholas Stevens4266.67%
Nick Jaquay3633.33%
Nicole Somplatsky1233.33%
Noah Fruzynski1233.33%
Olesya Brown30100.00%
Owen Daly60100.00%
Pam Konopasek1233.33%
Patrick Martin8188.89%
Patty Greeno30100.00%
Paulina Weigand30100.00%
Peace Nick Mann7277.78%
Pete Hendricks3350.00%
Priyanka Kochhar2166.67%
Rachel Schmitz2166.67%
Raymond Giorgi2166.67%
Rich Mahathey30100.00%
Rob Sneed21677.78%
Roger Hartill14193.33%
Ross Rawe5183.33%
Ross Wilson90100.00%
Ryan Repp60100.00%
Sandy Graver30100.00%
Sara Chambers30100.00%
Sarah Kwiecien5183.33%
Scott Kowalski8188.89%
Scott Reppert30100.00%
Shane Lester30100.00%
Shane Steiner30100.00%
Sharon Hutfles5183.33%
Silas Russell30100.00%
Stacey Moritz3350.00%
Stephen Linerfelser Jr30100.00%
Stephen Smith30100.00%
Steve Zumoff4266.67%
Stone Sullivan2166.67%
Taylor Egen2166.67%
Taylor Long30100.00%
Taylor Shephard2166.67%
Terrance Wareham18966.67%
Theo Ackerson2166.67%
Tim Foley1233.33%
Tim Tournay2166.67%
Todd Williams9375.00%
Tom Bender30100.00%
Tony Christman2166.67%
Trevor Bublitz30100.00%
Tyler Rosini30100.00%
Val Testa2166.67%
Virginia Hendricks6366.67%
Walt Lannis16576.19%
Wayne Roth30100.00%
Zoe Russell30100.00%

Badges Awarded (53)

Mirror Mirror
Mirror Mirror
Earned for having a palindromic machine score.

Earned 06/22/2023 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 42 - Thurs meet 4)
Super Jackpot
Super Jackpot
Earned for scoring 1,597 total league points.

Earned 02/09/2023 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 41 - Thurs meet 3)
Busy Bee
Busy Bee
Earned for playing 2 leagues simultaneously.

Earned 03/10/2022 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 39 - Thurs meet 2)
Hell Yes
Hell Yes
Earned for scoring 1+1+3+4 points in a meet.

Earned 10/10/2021 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Fall 2021 meet 4)
Octuple Jackpot
Octuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 1,200 total league points.

Earned 10/13/2019 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 36 meet 4)
Septuple Jackpot
Septuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 1,050 total league points.

Earned 04/07/2019 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 35 meet 1)
Sextuple Jackpot
Sextuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 900 total league points.

Earned 09/27/2018 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 33 meet 3)
I Need a Vacation
I Need a Vacation
Earned for slam-tilting a game. Don't do that.

Earned 06/14/2018 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 32 meet 9)
Earned for completing 5 seasons.

Earned 06/14/2018 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 32 meet 9)
Old School
Old School
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000.

Earned 02/15/2018 (PPL Winter 18 (Season 31) meet 5)
Quintuple Jackpot
Quintuple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 750 total league points.

Earned 02/15/2018 (PPL Winter 18 (Season 31) meet 5)
Close Shave
Close Shave
Earned for winning a game by less than a 1% margin.

Earned 09/09/2017 (PPL Fall 2017 (Season 30) meet 2)
Quadruple Jackpot
Quadruple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 600 total league points.

Earned 05/04/2017 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Spring 2017 meet 6)
Lucky Sevens
Lucky Sevens
Earned for having the most total sevens in your machine scores in a season.

Earned 03/10/2017 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Winter 2017 meet 9)
Most Improved
Most Improved
Earned for getting a personal high score on a machine you've played 10+ times.

Earned 02/02/2017 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Winter 2017 meet 4)
Triple Scoop
Triple Scoop
Earned for scoring 3+3+3 points in a meet.

Earned 01/26/2017 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Winter 2017 meet 3)
Triple Jackpot
Triple Jackpot
Earned for scoring 450 total league points.

Earned 01/19/2017 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Winter 2017 meet 2)
Earned for duplicating a score previously recorded on a machine.

Earned 10/13/2016 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 27 meet 4)
Clean Sweep
Clean Sweep
Earned for having the top score for every machine in a meet.

Earned 09/22/2016 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 27 meet 2)
Earned for scoring 100 points in a season.

Earned 06/02/2016 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 26 meet 8)
Red Line Mania
Red Line Mania
Earned for playing in multiple "close games" in a meet.

Earned 05/12/2016 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 26 meet 5)
Billionaire Club
Billionaire Club
Earned for scoring a billion points on a machine.

Earned 05/05/2016 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 26 meet 4)
Double Jackpot
Double Jackpot
Earned for scoring 300 total league points.

Earned 05/05/2016 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 26 meet 4)
Earned for playing 50 different machines.

Earned 04/28/2016 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 26 meet 3)
Downhill Slide
Downhill Slide
Earned for getting fewer league points on each game than the one before.

Earned 01/21/2016 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 25 meet 3)
Earned for playing 30 different machines.

Earned 11/12/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 24 meet 9)
Earned for scoring 150 total league points.

Earned 11/05/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 24 meet 8)
Earned for having a machine score not ending in zero.

Earned 10/01/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 24 meet 3)
The Air Up There
The Air Up There
Earned for having the highest overall point total during a season.

Earned 06/11/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 23 meet 9)
Earned for scoring 15 points in a meet!

Earned 06/11/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 23 meet 9)
Going for Gold
Going for Gold
Earned for finishing a season with the high score on a machine.

Earned 06/11/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 23 meet 9)
Earned for earning 10 badges simultaneously.

Earned 06/11/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 23 meet 9)
En Fuego
En Fuego
Earned for winning all games in a meet.

Earned 06/11/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 23 meet 9)
Finish Line
Finish Line
Earned for completing a season.

Earned 06/11/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 23 meet 9)
Game Room
Game Room
Earned for playing 15 different machines.

Earned 06/11/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 23 meet 9)
Head of the Class
Head of the Class
Earned for making A Division.

Earned 06/11/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 23 meet 9)
Earned for having a 100% win percentage against an opponent in a season.

Earned 06/11/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 23 meet 9)
Top Banana
Top Banana
Earned for qualifying for the playoffs as #1 seed in your division.

Earned 06/11/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 23 meet 9)
Earned for finishing a season with the high score on 3 machines.

Earned 06/11/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 23 meet 9)
Seventh Heaven
Seventh Heaven
Earned for winning your group in 7 consecutive meets.

Earned 06/11/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 23 meet 9)
Strong Finish
Strong Finish
Earned for getting a league high score on a machine in the final meet of a season.

Earned 06/11/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 23 meet 9)
Six Shooter
Six Shooter
Earned for winning your group in 6 consecutive meets.

Earned 06/04/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 23 meet 8)
Earned for scoring 8+ points for 5 consecutive meets.

Earned 05/07/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 23 meet 5)
Five for Fighting
Five for Fighting
Earned for winning your group in 5 consecutive meets.

Earned 05/07/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 23 meet 5)
Four of a Kind
Four of a Kind
Earned for winning your group in 4 consecutive meets.

Earned 04/30/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 23 meet 4)
Earned for winning your group in 3 consecutive meets.

Earned 04/23/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 23 meet 3)
Beating the Odds
Beating the Odds
Earned for exceeding the league average on every game of a meet.

Earned 04/23/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 23 meet 3)
Earned for winning your group in 2 consecutive meets.

Earned 04/16/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 23 meet 2)
Daily Double
Daily Double
Earned for having the top score for two machines in a meet.

Earned 04/16/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 23 meet 2)
Red Line
Red Line
Earned for playing in a "close game".

Earned 04/09/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 23 meet 1)
Earned for winning your group.

Earned 04/09/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 23 meet 1)
Best in Show
Best in Show
Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet.

Earned 04/09/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 23 meet 1)
Power Points
Power Points
Earned for scoring 13 or more points three times in a season.

Earned 01/15/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Winter 2015 meet 2)