Pittsburgh Pinball League
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Pittsburgh Pinball League

Active from 07/21/2014 through 05/30/2019.

Played 10 seasons, 55 meets, 165 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
24 (Pinball Factory) 3,161,400 3,161,400 3,161,400 1
ACDC Premium (Pinball Factory) 7,192,500 7,192,500 7,192,500 1
Aerosmith (Kickback) 29,176,040 45,525,880 12,826,190 2
Attack From Mars (Al's A.P.P.) 455,857,680 455,857,680 455,857,680 1
Attack From Mars (Kickback) 1,125,185,320 2,903,446,920 693,309,510 6
Attack From Mars (NGVL) 365,729,940 365,729,940 365,729,940 1
Attack from Mars (PAPA) 1,650,470,550 1,650,470,550 1,650,470,550 1
Attack From Mars (Pinball Factory) 374,304,020 553,075,630 195,532,410 2
Avatar (Lava) 3,945,810 3,945,810 3,945,810 1
Banzai Run (Kickback) 2,249,170 2,249,170 2,249,170 1
Barracora (Pinball Factory) 163,680 217,470 109,890 2
Batman 66 (Kickback) 29,436,700 29,436,700 29,436,700 1
Batman: Dark Knight (Kickback) 4,710,300 4,710,300 4,710,300 1
Big Game (Kickback) 181,460 321,250 46,200 8
Black Knight Sword of Rage (Kickback) 3,284,870 3,284,870 3,284,870 1
Bride of Pinbot (Kickback) 1,205,490 1,671,650 605,770 4
Championship Pub (Kickback) 11,307,900 12,312,140 9,915,400 3
Cirqus Voltaire (Pinball Factory) 3,545,160 3,545,160 3,545,160 1
Congo (Pinball Factory) 226,566,930 226,566,930 226,566,930 1
Corvette (Kickback) 141,772,590 156,873,140 126,672,040 2
Creature From the Black Lagoon (Kickback) 47,338,960 64,233,500 23,833,230 3
Creature from the Black Lagoon (Row House) 11,313,510 11,313,510 11,313,510 1
CSI (Ace's) 7,533,840 7,533,840 7,533,840 1
Demolition Man (Kickback) 271,818,850 412,878,290 178,487,630 4
Dialed In (Kickback) 24,650 24,650 24,650 1
Dialed In (Pinball Factory) 22,430 22,430 22,430 1
Diner (Pinball Factory) 1,324,050 1,324,050 1,324,050 1
Dipsy Doodle (Pinball Factory) 24,230 24,230 24,230 1
Dirty Harry (NGVL) 260,772,020 395,072,330 150,188,780 3
Doctor Who (Victory Pointe) 45,276,160 45,276,160 45,276,160 1
Dr. Dude (NGVL) 1,088,310 1,088,310 1,088,310 1
Family Guy (Kickback) 21,094,820 44,540,560 6,593,890 3
Far Out (Pinball Factory) 61,690 61,690 61,690 1
Fish Tales (Kickback) 17,873,310 27,565,530 8,153,390 3
Flash Gordon (Pinball Factory) 28,410 28,410 28,410 1
Galaxy (Bradish) 50,820 50,820 50,820 1
Game of Thrones (Ace's) 94,470,770 94,470,770 94,470,770 1
Game of Thrones (Cattivo) 6,312,270 6,312,270 6,312,270 1
Ghostbusters (Ace's) 82,776,240 82,776,240 82,776,240 1
Ghostbusters (Kickback) 20,644,740 20,644,740 20,644,740 1
Gorgar (Pinball Factory) 230,980 230,980 230,980 1
Guardians of the Galaxy (Kickback) 12,604,420 14,997,490 10,211,350 2
Indiana Jones (Kickback) 76,046,780 147,508,300 18,317,430 4
Indianapolis 500 (Al's A.P.P.) 88,493,010 88,493,010 88,493,010 1
Indy 500 (Pinball Factory) 264,593,110 264,593,110 264,593,110 1
Iron Maiden (Kickback) 7,835,720 7,835,720 7,835,720 1
Iron Man (Kickback) 4,901,150 4,901,150 4,901,150 1
Iron Man (Pinball Factory) 7,488,460 8,287,260 6,689,660 2
Iron Man (Vault Ed) (Thunderbird) 2,950,700 2,950,700 2,950,700 1
Jackbot (PAPA) 595,624,800 595,624,800 595,624,800 1
Jackbot (Pinball Factory) 252,538,760 273,324,660 231,752,850 2
Jackbot (Tiki) 515,561,140 547,389,800 483,732,480 2
Kiss (Stern) (Pinball Factory) 7,020,630 7,020,630 7,020,630 1
Luthor's Vendetta (Kickback) 382 382 382 1
Mata Hari (NGVL) 29,230 29,230 29,230 1
Medieval Madness (Kickback) 22,507,000 48,416,820 6,280,280 3
Medieval Madness (Pinball Factory) 3,702,820 3,702,820 3,702,820 1
Metallica Pro (Kopy's) 12,563,250 12,563,250 12,563,250 1
Monster Bash (Kickback) 17,100,980 28,986,460 6,088,220 4
Munsters (Kickback) 3,739,750 3,739,750 3,739,750 1
Mustang Pro (Kickback) 6,680,570 6,680,570 6,680,570 1
NBA Fastbreak (Row House) 16 16 16 1
No Fear (Al's A.P.P.) 187,902,190 187,902,190 187,902,190 1
No Good Gophers (Hambones) 3,878,660 3,878,660 3,878,660 1
PiratesOTC (Kickback) 4,933,220 9,198,050 668,380 2
Scared Stiff (Kickback) 1,985,130 3,047,870 922,390 2
Scared Stiff (Pinball Factory) 4,530,030 4,530,030 4,530,030 1
Seawitch (Pinball Factory) 94,010 102,110 85,910 2
Simpsons Party (Kickback) 4,847,810 4,847,810 4,847,810 1
Space Mission (Kickback) 89,910 89,910 89,910 1
Space Shuttle (Kickback) 138,170 213,660 62,670 2
Space Shuttle (Pinball Factory) 241,250 241,250 241,250 1
Star Trek (Stern) (Bradish) 8,716,190 8,716,190 8,716,190 1
Star Trek (Stern) (Pinball Factory) 20,453,670 57,869,860 3,542,280 4
Star Trek LE (Stern) (Kickback) 18,151,820 25,913,990 10,389,650 2
Star Trek TNG (Kickback) 203,568,380 349,185,780 79,221,750 5
Star Trek: The Next Generation (Pinball Factory) 92,913,780 92,913,780 92,913,780 1
Stars (NGVL) 117,940 117,940 117,940 1
Stellar Wars (Pinball Factory) 91,180 91,180 91,180 1
Tales of the Arabian Nights (Pinball Factory) 1,343,580 1,343,580 1,343,580 1
Taxi (Pinball Factory) 626,650 626,650 626,650 1
Terminator 2 (Pinball Factory) 8,823,280 8,823,280 8,823,280 1
The Addams Family (Kickback) 31,836,620 31,836,620 31,836,620 1
The Addams Family (Victory Pointe) 4,116,170 6,388,150 1,844,180 2
The Hobbit (Kickback) 35,860 44,539 27,177 2
The Sopranos (PAPA) 4,521,440 4,521,440 4,521,440 1
The Walking Dead (Kickback) 11,812,970 13,916,150 8,487,440 3
Torpedo Alley (Pinball Factory) 620,470 620,470 620,470 1
Transformers (LE) (Kickback) 2,274,470 2,274,470 2,274,470 1
Transformers Pro (Cattivo) 10,404,530 10,404,530 10,404,530 1
Transporter: The Rescue (Pinball Factory) 781,120 781,120 781,120 1
Tron (Kickback) 5,590,680 5,590,680 5,590,680 1
Twilight Zone (Kickback) 93,222,920 96,324,060 91,484,880 3
Viking (Kickback) 110,840 110,840 110,840 1
White Water (Kickback) 3,300,030 3,300,030 3,300,030 1
WHO dunnit (Pinball Factory) 583,759,110 583,759,110 583,759,110 1
Wizard of Oz (Victory Pointe) 24,780 24,776 24,776 1
World Cup Soccer 94 (Pinball Factory) 616,580,550 616,580,550 616,580,550 1
X-men (NGVL) 6,176,430 10,454,090 1,898,760 2
X-Men LE (Victory Pointe) 5,301,800 6,275,960 4,327,640 2

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Aaron Crittenden1233.33%
Aaron Metz030.00%
Adam Pecharka1516.67%
Aiden Spring4266.67%
Aislynn Paccio2166.67%
Allison Thrower1233.33%
Amy L. Covell-Murthy2625.00%
Anthony Budris30100.00%
Augustin Pionati2433.33%
Barry Applbaum9950.00%
Ben Kelly1233.33%
Bob Stallsmith4833.33%
Brad Oskowski1233.33%
Brandon Dye3350.00%
Brian Bower030.00%
Brian Bozarth1233.33%
Brian Flizanes030.00%
Brian Teyssier4266.67%
Brinkley Sharpe3350.00%
Cathy Alioto1233.33%
Chris Deely1233.33%
Chris Eddy2166.67%
Christian Dupain1233.33%
Colin Dundes1516.67%
Cryss Stephens030.00%
Dan W. Hall1233.33%
Daniel Jacobowitz2433.33%
Dave Forman30100.00%
Dave Lancaster030.00%
Dave Mitchell2166.67%
David Riel030.00%
Donnie Halinka1233.33%
Ed Skeva2166.67%
Ellen Redinbaugh30100.00%
Emily Farah2166.67%
Erik Gatz2166.67%
Erin Kelly1516.67%
Evan Callahan1516.67%
Garret Holt2166.67%
Giancarlo Dozzi1233.33%
Greg Galanter030.00%
Greg Olszewski2166.67%
Hilary Penigar1233.33%
Jack Wunschel030.00%
Jake Kolojejchick1233.33%
Jake Zielinski2166.67%
James Emanuel3633.33%
James Kunz2166.67%
Jamie Kowinsky1233.33%
Jared Schmidt4833.33%
Jason Potter030.00%
Jason Rihn1233.33%
Jeff Neiport2166.67%
Jeremy Ways30100.00%
Jerry Jantz1233.33%
Jesse Soracco2433.33%
Joe Deely030.00%
Joe Dep1233.33%
Joe Scaletta2433.33%
Joel Basta1233.33%
John Alioto1233.33%
John Rogler2166.67%
Joshua Burfield030.00%
Justin Brooks1516.67%
Justin Burkett1233.33%
Kat Vandegrift2166.67%
Katy Willow2166.67%
Keith Rhodes5455.56%
Kelly Miller1233.33%
Kevin Brown30100.00%
Kevin Vitale030.00%
Kim Fanto1233.33%
Kyle Williams1233.33%
Lene Pietrusza2166.67%
Leslie Friley030.00%
Lewis Bevans020.00%
Link Pietrusza1233.33%
Lucas Herter3350.00%
Mahesh Murthy030.00%
Mara Kline2166.67%
Marco Leal1233.33%
Matt Schwab30100.00%
Max Applbaum3350.00%
Megan Pantanella30100.00%
Melissa Rogers4266.67%
Mica Kline2433.33%
Michael Sakowitz030.00%
Mike Dice030.00%
Mike Hamberg1233.33%
Mish Paull030.00%
Olesya Brown1233.33%
Patrick Laquinta1516.67%
Peace Nick Mann2166.67%
Pete Hendricks1233.33%
Priyanka Kochhar1233.33%
Raymond Giorgi21016.67%
Renata Preston1233.33%
Rich Mahathey2166.67%
Rob Sneed2166.67%
Ross Wilson2433.33%
Scott Kowalski4833.33%
Scott Stephens2433.33%
Silas Russell030.00%
Stephanie Wallace2433.33%
Taylor Shephard1420.00%
Tim Tournay2166.67%
Todd Williams1516.67%
Tom Andersen2166.67%
Virginia Hendricks1233.33%
Walt Lannis3633.33%
Wayne Roth1516.67%
Zachary Carey1233.33%

Badges Awarded (19)

Double Jackpot
Double Jackpot
Earned for scoring 300 total league points.

Earned 05/30/2019 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 35 meet 8)
Top Banana
Top Banana
Earned for qualifying for the playoffs as #1 seed in your division.

Earned 03/22/2018 (PPL Winter 18 (Season 31) meet 9)
Player For All Seasons
Player For All Seasons
Earned for completing 3 consecutive seasons in a league.

Earned 10/28/2017 (PPL Fall 2017 (Season 30) meet 9)
Earned for playing 50 different machines.

Earned 09/23/2017 (PPL Fall 2017 (Season 30) meet 4)
Earned for scoring 150 total league points.

Earned 09/09/2017 (PPL Fall 2017 (Season 30) meet 2)
Earned for winning your group.

Earned 05/18/2017 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Spring 2017 meet 8)
Beating the Odds
Beating the Odds
Earned for exceeding the league average on every game of a meet.

Earned 04/27/2017 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Spring 2017 meet 5)
Best in Show
Best in Show
Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet.

Earned 04/20/2017 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Spring 2017 meet 4)
Middle of the Road
Middle of the Road
Earned for scoring 2+2+2 points in a meet.

Earned 04/13/2017 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Spring 2017 meet 3)
Earned for playing 30 different machines.

Earned 02/17/2017 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Winter 2017 meet 6)
Downhill Slide
Downhill Slide
Earned for getting fewer league points on each game than the one before.

Earned 02/09/2017 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Winter 2017 meet 5)
Old School
Old School
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000.

Earned 02/02/2017 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Winter 2017 meet 4)
Earned for having a 100% win percentage against an opponent in a season.

Earned 06/09/2016 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 26 meet 9)
Finish Line
Finish Line
Earned for completing a season.

Earned 06/09/2016 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 26 meet 9)
Red Line Mania
Red Line Mania
Earned for playing in multiple "close games" in a meet.

Earned 06/02/2016 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 26 meet 8)
Game Room
Game Room
Earned for playing 15 different machines.

Earned 05/26/2016 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 26 meet 7)
Red Line
Red Line
Earned for playing in a "close game".

Earned 05/05/2016 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 26 meet 4)
Earned for having a machine score not ending in zero.

Earned 04/23/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 23 meet 3)
Billionaire Club
Billionaire Club
Earned for scoring a billion points on a machine.

Earned 01/15/2015 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Winter 2015 meet 2)