Pittsburgh Pinball League
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Pittsburgh Pinball League

Active from 03/03/2022 through 07/13/2023.

Played 5 seasons, 28 meets, 84 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
Attack from Mars (COOP) 920,363,360 920,363,360 920,363,360 1
Attack From Mars (Dojo) 548,797,370 548,797,370 548,797,370 1
Attack From Mars (Tokens) 1,018,477,980 1,018,477,980 1,018,477,980 1
Avengers (Dojo) 13,229,840 13,229,840 13,229,840 1
Avengers Infinity Quest (COOP) 30,139,480 30,139,480 30,139,480 1
Barbwire (Beaver Brewing) 973,089,560 973,089,560 973,089,560 1
Baywatch (Beaver Brewing) 382,945,780 382,945,780 382,945,780 1
Big Guns (Helicon) 420,180 420,180 420,180 1
Black Jack (Helicon) 29,090 29,090 29,090 1
Bobby Orr Power Play (Dojo) 60,700 103,310 24,950 5
Captain Fantastic (AK Pin) 48,080 gold medal 48,080 48,080 1
Class of 1812 (Dojo) 268,330 268,330 268,330 1
Congo (Dojo) 338,178,180 647,320,500 137,128,180 4
Creature from the Black Lagoon (Pball Perfection) 26,569,180 26,569,180 26,569,180 1
Deadpool (ATL Pinball) 77,463,160 77,463,160 77,463,160 1
Deadpool (Dojo) 26,896,510 26,896,510 26,896,510 1
Doctor Who (Victory Pointe) 21,041,640 21,041,640 21,041,640 1
Embryon (Dojo) 307,420 606,720 56,390 5
F-14 Tomcat (Dojo) 190,620 190,620 190,620 1
Firepower (Helicon) 70,130 70,130 70,130 1
Flight 2000 (Dojo) 327,950 327,950 327,950 1
Genie (Dojo) 105,160 142,260 68,060 2
Getaway: High Speed II (Mastic Trail) 10,889,750 10,889,750 10,889,750 1
Godzilla (Pball Perfection) 200,216,050 gold medal 200,216,050 200,216,050 1
Guardians of the Galaxy (ATL Pinball) 11,436,280 11,436,280 11,436,280 1
Halloween (Scarehouse Pinhd) 7,266,520 7,266,520 7,266,520 1
Hard Body (Beaver Brewing) 325,630 325,630 325,630 1
Hollywood Heat (Dojo) 585,230 585,230 585,230 1
Hot Wheels (PinsMech) 46,740,660 46,740,660 46,740,660 1
Iron Maiden (ATL Pinball) 169,104,870 169,104,870 169,104,870 1
Iron Maiden (Dojo) 30,410,060 52,123,770 8,696,350 2
Iron Maiden (Shorty's) 21,771,170 21,771,170 21,771,170 1
Johnny Mnemonic (Victory Pointe) 1,361,891,670 1,361,891,670 1,361,891,670 1
Kiss (Stern) (Shorty's) 17,101,740 17,101,740 17,101,740 1
Lethal Weapon 3 (Helicon) 84,984,720 gold medal 84,984,720 84,984,720 1
Lord of the Rings (Pball Perfection) 16,129,910 16,129,910 16,129,910 1
Mandalorian (COOP) 25,889,320 25,889,320 25,889,320 1
Mandolorian (Helicon) 37,459,980 37,459,980 37,459,980 1
Mandolorian (PinsMech) 77,177,250 77,177,250 77,177,250 1
Metallica (Dojo) 17,437,420 29,618,020 5,256,820 2
Metallica (Helicon) 5,406,430 5,406,430 5,406,430 1
Motordome (Tokens) 327,490 327,490 327,490 1
NBA Fastbreak (Helicon McD) 22 22 22 1
Paragon (Mastic Trail) 73,070 73,070 73,070 1
Pirates of the Caribbean (Stern) (Mastic Trail) 67,851,030 67,851,030 67,851,030 1
Playboy (Stern) (Beaver Brewing) 16,241,890 18,026,270 14,457,510 2
Rick & Morty (Shorty's) 2,791,400 2,791,404 2,791,404 1
SMB: Mushroom World (Tokens) 32,802,990 32,802,990 32,802,990 1
Spring Break (Helicon McD) 229,960 229,960 229,960 1
Star Trek (Stern) (Scarehouse Pinhd) 21,995,880 21,995,880 21,995,880 1
Star Trek Stern LE (Victory Pointe) 22,563,250 22,563,250 22,563,250 1
Stars (Dojo) 25,490 25,490 25,490 1
Terminator 2 (AK Pin) 44,757,710 44,757,710 44,757,710 1
The Addams Family (Dojo) 30,545,300 30,545,300 30,545,300 1
The Addams Family (Helicon McD) 104,562,290 gold medal 104,562,290 104,562,290 1
The Walking Dead (Dojo) 7,155,000 7,155,000 7,155,000 1
The Walking Dead (Scarehouse Pinhd) 62,896,030 gold medal 62,896,028 62,896,028 1
The X Files (Beaver Brewing) 6,184,940 6,184,940 6,184,940 1
White Water (Dojo) 98,371,660 98,371,660 98,371,660 1
Whodunnit (AK Pin) 283,697,890 283,697,890 283,697,890 1
Wizard (Dojo) 72,200 95,180 38,220 5
Wizard of Oz (PinsMech) 40,960 40,964 40,964 1
World Cup Soccer (Dojo) 292,591,320 598,874,850 123,119,030 3

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Adam Lemankiewicz1233.33%
Alan Rompala1516.67%
Aleksander Kaczmarczyk030.00%
Alex Fruzynski30100.00%
Allison Thrower1233.33%
Andy Pickens2166.67%
Bill Agnew060.00%
Brian Bower090.00%
Chris Brunetti3633.33%
Chris Henry1233.33%
Colin O'Malley2166.67%
Dan Carretta2166.67%
Dan Gold2166.67%
Dan Handyside2166.67%
Dave DeNardo2433.33%
Dave Lancaster1233.33%
Drew Gray1233.33%
Elizabeth Cromwell30100.00%
Elliott Rompala5183.33%
Eric Mandel1233.33%
Erik Gatz2166.67%
Evan Bookbinder1233.33%
Fred Cochran1233.33%
James Emanuel3350.00%
James VanPoolen5455.56%
Jared Schmidt1233.33%
John Colonello2166.67%
John Thwaite1516.67%
Jon Replogle21313.33%
Justin T Kelly5183.33%
Marco Leal2722.22%
Mason Colonello2166.67%
Matt Boast2166.67%
Matt Magnone1233.33%
Michael Sakowitz2166.67%
Mike Karbowsky1233.33%
Nicholas Stevens6366.67%
Peace Nick Mann8466.67%
Pete Hendricks030.00%
Rory Henc2433.33%
Taylor Egen2166.67%
Tia Roberts2433.33%
Tim Tournay30100.00%
Travis Partozoti1233.33%
Tyler Rosini030.00%
Virginia Hendricks2166.67%
Walt Lannis1516.67%
Will Lannis1233.33%

Badges Awarded (23)

Downhill Slide
Downhill Slide
Earned for getting fewer league points on each game than the one before.

Earned 06/29/2023 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 42 - Thurs meet 5)
Lucky Sevens
Lucky Sevens
Earned for having the most total sevens in your machine scores in a season.

Earned 03/24/2023 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 41 - Friday meet 9)
Earned for scoring 150 total league points.

Earned 03/10/2023 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 41 - Friday meet 7)
Earned for playing 50 different machines.

Earned 03/03/2023 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 41 - Friday meet 6)
Mirror Mirror
Mirror Mirror
Earned for having a palindromic machine score.

Earned 01/27/2023 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 41 - Friday meet 1)
Earned for finishing a season with the high score on 3 machines.

Earned 11/18/2022 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 40 - Friday meet 9)
Earned for having a 100% win percentage against an opponent in a season.

Earned 11/18/2022 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 40 - Friday meet 9)
Strong Finish
Strong Finish
Earned for getting a league high score on a machine in the final meet of a season.

Earned 11/18/2022 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 40 - Friday meet 9)
Going for Gold
Going for Gold
Earned for finishing a season with the high score on a machine.

Earned 11/18/2022 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 40 - Friday meet 9)
Finish Line
Finish Line
Earned for completing a season.

Earned 11/18/2022 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 40 - Friday meet 9)
Earned for having a machine score not ending in zero.

Earned 11/04/2022 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 40 - Friday meet 7)
Earned for playing 30 different machines.

Earned 11/04/2022 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 40 - Friday meet 7)
Earned for winning your group in 2 consecutive meets.

Earned 10/21/2022 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 40 - Friday meet 5)
Billionaire Club
Billionaire Club
Earned for scoring a billion points on a machine.

Earned 10/03/2022 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 40 - Friday meet 2)
Busy Bee
Busy Bee
Earned for playing 2 leagues simultaneously.

Earned 09/29/2022 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 40 - Thursday meet 2)
Game Room
Game Room
Earned for playing 15 different machines.

Earned 09/24/2022 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 40 - Thursday meet 1)
Earned for winning your group.

Earned 09/24/2022 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 40 - Thursday meet 1)
Head of the Class
Head of the Class
Earned for making A Division.

Earned 05/05/2022 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 39 - Thurs meet 9)
Hell Yes
Hell Yes
Earned for scoring 1+1+3+4 points in a meet.

Earned 03/24/2022 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 39 - Thurs meet 4)
Best in Show
Best in Show
Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet.

Earned 03/17/2022 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 39 - Thurs meet 3)
Snake Eyeses
Snake Eyeses
Earned for scoring 1+1+1 points in a meet.

Earned 03/10/2022 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 39 - Thurs meet 2)
Old School
Old School
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000.

Earned 03/10/2022 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 39 - Thurs meet 2)
Red Line
Red Line
Earned for playing in a "close game".

Earned 03/03/2022 (Pittsburgh Pinball League 39 - Thurs meet 1)