Pittsburgh Pinball League
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Pittsburgh Pinball League

Active from 01/28/2016 through 10/28/2017.

Played 5 seasons, 30 meets, 90 games.

Machine Summaries

MachineAverage ScoreHighest ScoreLowest ScorePlays
24 (Pinball Factory) 4,668,380 5,894,170 3,442,590 2
Barracora (Pinball Factory) 82,720 153,040 42,850 4
Batman: Dark Knight (Pinball Factory) 3,551,860 5,296,530 1,807,180 2
Bride of Pinbot (Kickback) 5,319,920 5,319,920 5,319,920 1
Congo (Scaletta's) 107,269,200 107,269,200 107,269,200 1
Corvette (Pinball Factory) 82,431,780 82,431,780 82,431,780 1
Demolition Man (Kickback) 149,280,000 149,280,000 149,280,000 1
Demolition Man (Pinball Factory) 95,564,840 144,097,480 47,032,190 2
Doctor Who (Victory Pointe) 5,508,100 5,508,100 5,508,100 1
Drop-a-Card (Pinball Factory) 1,970 1,973 1,973 1
Family Guy (Kickback) 4,320,610 4,366,320 4,274,890 2
Far Out (Pinball Factory) 56,650 58,430 54,860 2
Fast Draw (Sock Hop) 28,340 28,340 28,340 1
Fathom (Pinball Factory) 65,300 65,300 65,300 1
Fish Tales (Sock Hop) 5,491,010 5,491,010 5,491,010 1
Flash Gordon (Pinball Factory) 36,420 36,420 36,420 1
Future Spa (Pinball Factory) 46,370 46,370 46,370 1
Game of Thrones (Sock Hop) 8,029,730 8,029,730 8,029,730 1
Game of Thrones (Victory Pointe) 14,969,810 14,969,810 14,969,810 1
Ghostbusters (Kickback) 1,536,710 1,536,710 1,536,710 1
Gorgar (Pinball Factory) 77,040 120,500 28,430 7
Guns N Roses (Pinball Factory) 162,619,550 162,619,550 162,619,550 1
Indiana Jones (Scaletta's) 84,449,980 84,449,980 84,449,980 1
Iron Man (Pinball Factory) 5,162,360 5,162,360 5,162,360 1
Jackbot (Pinball Factory) 590,011,020 1,350,799,940 90,804,480 9
Kick Off (Pinball Factory) 27,340 27,340 27,340 1
Kiss (Stern) (Pinball Factory) 5,331,070 5,331,070 5,331,070 1
Knockout (Pinball Factory) 34,000 49,420 22,320 3
Last Action Hero (Pinball Factory) 74,064,120 74,064,120 74,064,120 1
Medieval Madness (Pinball Factory) 13,378,390 13,378,390 13,378,390 1
Metallica (Bubbledome) 9,800,600 9,800,600 9,800,600 1
Metallica (Pinball Factory) 4,033,830 6,494,260 1,870,830 5
Monster Bash (Kickback) 21,026,790 21,026,790 21,026,790 1
Monster Bash (Scaletta's) 2,845,530 2,845,530 2,845,530 1
Mustang (Bubbledome) 5,928,890 5,928,890 5,928,890 1
Mystic (Pinball Factory) 241,250 241,250 241,250 1
Paragon (Pinball Factory) 23,250 23,250 23,250 1
Paragon (Sock Hop) 57,540 57,540 57,540 1
Party Zone (Kickback) 3,172,120 4,326,400 2,017,840 2
Quicksilver (Pinball Factory) 214,310 214,310 214,310 1
Radical (Sock Hop) 3,102,390 4,522,110 1,682,670 2
Shrek (Bubbledome) 4,929,420 5,528,380 4,330,450 2
Simpsons Party (Kickback) 985,570 985,570 985,570 1
Star Trek (Stern) (Pinball Factory) 5,785,610 6,111,360 5,459,850 2
Star Trek: The Next Generation (Pinball Factory) 109,077,010 109,077,010 109,077,010 1
Stellar Wars (Pinball Factory) 41,190 41,190 41,190 1
Tales of the Arabian Nights (Pinball Factory) 416,880 416,880 416,880 1
The Addams Family (Pinball Factory) 11,826,280 11,826,280 11,826,280 1
The Walking Dead LE (Victory Pointe) 19,858,980 19,858,980 19,858,980 1
Torpedo Alley (Pinball Factory) 572,840 572,840 572,840 1
Transformers LE (Pinball Factory) 1,871,070 1,871,070 1,871,070 1
Voltan (Bubbledome) 424,060 424,060 424,060 1
WHO dunnit (Pinball Factory) 226,925,360 314,162,530 139,688,190 2
World Cup Soccer 94 (Pinball Factory) 290,827,740 401,590,160 224,893,380 3
Wrestlemania LE (Pinball Factory) 19,855,850 19,855,850 19,855,850 1

Head to Head Results

OpponentWinsLossesWin Percentage
Adam Lemankiewicz2166.67%
AJ Replogle3633.33%
Allison Thrower3350.00%
Brandon Schwab030.00%
Brett Berkman2433.33%
Brian Smyth030.00%
Brian Teyssier1233.33%
Brian Uplinger1233.33%
Casey Cunniff1233.33%
Catrina Enders1233.33%
Chris Henry030.00%
Christian Dupain030.00%
Clark Soltesz2166.67%
Corey McGee2166.67%
Dave Lancaster2166.67%
David Riel030.00%
Derek Eversmann4266.67%
Donnie Halinka030.00%
Elise Fanto1233.33%
Eric Brown030.00%
Erin Kelly030.00%
Fred Cochran060.00%
Greg Galanter3633.33%
Jack Wunschel1233.33%
Jake Kolojejchick1233.33%
Jason Bokor030.00%
Jason Steele030.00%
Jeff Kertis SR030.00%
Jeremy Ways2433.33%
Jesse Soracco030.00%
Joe Mazzocco5183.33%
Joe Scaletta1233.33%
Joel Basta060.00%
Jon Replogle1233.33%
Justin T Kelly030.00%
Kevin Brown030.00%
Larry Teyssier2166.67%
Lee Klevens030.00%
Leslie Friley3350.00%
Lidia Pietrusza3350.00%
Lindsey West1233.33%
Link Pietrusza030.00%
Lucas Herter030.00%
Lyle Applbaum2166.67%
Marisa Bailey2722.22%
Matt Schwab060.00%
Max Applbaum2433.33%
Megan Pantanella2166.67%
Melinda Pietrusza1233.33%
Mike Hovraluck030.00%
Mish Paull030.00%
Noah Fruzynski030.00%
Sandy Graver030.00%
Sara Chambers2166.67%
Scott Kowalski3350.00%
Sharon Hutfles2166.67%
Taylor Shephard1233.33%
Terrance Wareham2166.67%
Tia Roberts2433.33%
Tim Tournay1233.33%
Todd Williams030.00%
Tommy Furfari030.00%
Val Testa2433.33%
Virginia Hendricks1233.33%
Walt Lannis030.00%
Ward Garner2166.67%

Badges Awarded (14)

Earned for having a machine score not ending in zero.

Earned 10/28/2017 (PPL Fall 2017 (Season 30) meet 9)
Earned for playing 50 different machines.

Earned 10/07/2017 (PPL Fall 2017 (Season 30) meet 6)
Earned for scoring 150 total league points.

Earned 09/30/2017 (PPL Fall 2017 (Season 30) meet 5)
Earned for having a 100% win percentage against an opponent in a season.

Earned 05/25/2017 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Spring 2017 meet 9)
Snake Eyeses
Snake Eyeses
Earned for scoring 1+1+1 points in a meet.

Earned 05/11/2017 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Spring 2017 meet 7)
Billionaire Club
Billionaire Club
Earned for scoring a billion points on a machine.

Earned 04/13/2017 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Spring 2017 meet 3)
Old School
Old School
Earned for having a machine score ending in 000.

Earned 04/13/2017 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Spring 2017 meet 3)
Downhill Slide
Downhill Slide
Earned for getting fewer league points on each game than the one before.

Earned 03/30/2017 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Spring 2017 meet 2)
Finish Line
Finish Line
Earned for completing a season.

Earned 03/10/2017 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Winter 2017 meet 9)
Earned for playing 30 different machines.

Earned 03/10/2017 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Winter 2017 meet 9)
Red Line Mania
Red Line Mania
Earned for playing in multiple "close games" in a meet.

Earned 03/03/2017 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Winter 2017 meet 8)
Game Room
Game Room
Earned for playing 15 different machines.

Earned 05/12/2016 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 26 meet 5)
Best in Show
Best in Show
Earned for having the top score for a machine in a meet.

Earned 05/05/2016 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 26 meet 4)
Red Line
Red Line
Earned for playing in a "close game".

Earned 02/18/2016 (Pittsburgh Pinball League Season 25 meet 7)